Discovering the World of Architecture

As we continue to grow the Architecture practice, it is important to us to educate the future leaders of the Quad Cities. This week, we did just that, we kicked off one of our favorite summer traditions, Discover Architecture!

Each summer, we invite these future leaders to come to our firm to participate in STEM-based activities. These activities range from designing your dream bedroom, to who can build the tallest skyscraper! It’s a fun way for our firm to connect and give back to the community!

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Skyscraper Discovery


This week, we kicked off our first lesson on skyscrapers.

Buffy, our Library Manager taught the kids all about skyscrapers and how they have evolved over the years. After discussing some famous structures, we looked at some that were not structurally built. For example, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, which moves 1.2 millimeters each year.

Our final activity was a fan favorite! We built spaghetti noodle and marshmallow skyscrapers. This activity was much harder than the kids thought it would be.

We discussed different ways to distribute the weight of the skyscraper to make it taller.

It was so fun to see the kids creative side come out. We think we’ve found some future architects!

Have your kids ever shown interest in Architecture? Sign them up to participate in this summer, Discover Architecture program! Contact Olivia Soseman at to get signed up!