Once upon on a time a boy had a vision for the Davenport Riverfront. . . Okay okay six years ago I completed my Master thesis at the University of Illinois and devoted a year of my education to the research and design of the Davenport riverfront to become an interactive flood prevention plan. The design's intent was to bring people to the riverfront when the river rose and to create an uprising event fulfilled with different land formations creating an enhanced unique experience on the riverfront when ever it would flood.
The design called for creating a canal along River drive in order to enhance water activities along the riverfront as well as create a water's edge. The plan incorporated three blocks of private development, which would be adjacent to the Skybridge landing. The plan also incorporated water detention which connected Centennial park to Leclaire park by the use of a stepped waterfall. All while enhancing the riverfront park!
Interactive Flood Prevention Plan - City of Davenport completed by Andrew Dasso, AIA
I am excited to see that a private developer is willing to challenge the riverfront development naysayers because any great park must incorporate a private development relationship in order to be successful at the scale of our City. Yes, Cities like Chicago, New York, St Louis are able to have 100 acre parks that attract millions of people each year. But a large park in a Mid-size city must have features such as restaurants, apartments, office, and other community amenities in order to bring life to the riverfront and have frequent visitors during all seasons throughout the year.